Toy Safety Info

Toy Safety Information Center

Minds Outlet is committed to providing the latest, safest, and most purposeful learning toys. Our first responsibility is to your child -- and we take that responsibility VERY seriously. As part of our ongoing quest for promoting safe toys, we've compiled the following information to help provide our customers with the proper assurances that we are taking the necessary steps to ensure the safety of your child. If you have additional concerns or questions, we encourage you to contact us directly, either by emailing us at or calling us toll-free at 1-800-590-5987.


Where Is It Made?

Minds Outlet is actively identifying the country of origin for every product that we sell. While this list is not yet comprehensive, with over 20 countries already identified, it's clear that great toys are made all over the world. Check this page frequently for updates as we gather additional information.

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The Toy Association's Toy Safety Guide

The Toy Association has a long history of leadership in toy safety. Over 40 years ago they helped develop the first comprehensive toy safety standard, and today they continue to work with government officials, consumer groups, and industry leaders on ongoing programs to ensure safe play.

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An Advocate for the Public Interest

The goal of U.S. PIRG is to speak out for a healthier, safer world in which we're freer to pursue our own individual well-being and the common good. There are problems that shouldn't be tolerated in an age of great abundance and technological progress. U.S. PIRG fights tirelessly to address those problems and find common ground around commonsense ideas.

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A New, Innovative Quality Management Platform

By spreading awareness of the value of quality, InSpec aims to reduce the level of returns caused by poor quality, increase the percentage of products shipped on time, and improve overall finished product quality levels. With the help of InSpec by BV, product quality is a veritable certainty.

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U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission

The CPSC is committed to protecting consumers and families from products that pose a fire, electrical, chemical, or mechanical hazard or can injure children. The CPSC's work ensures the safety of products for consumers and their families.

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The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

Incorporating global safety standardization in the world's marketplace, ASTM experts represent 120 countries endorsing strict health and safety accountability standards. The standards evaluations of ASTM contribute to the reliability of materials, products, systems and services.

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International Council of Toy Industries

The International Council of Toy Industries promotes the health & safety of children through promotion of international toy safety standards and a responsible attitude toward advertising and marketing to children.

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European Safety Standards Commission

A division of European Consumer Affairs, the European Safety Standards Commission develops legislative and other actions to promote the interests, health and safety of consumers on an internal and international level. The Commission also promotes consumer policy and high consumer safety standards in international forums and in relation with third countries.

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